While looking for a possible fording place Hagen came upon a group of water-fairies bathing in the water. Now invisible to all, he returned to the group. Seeing him, Hagen remembered the nixie's prediction. [8], Kevin Thomas: «Dall'inizio alla fine i film possiedono uno stile, una ineluttabilità da tragedia greca; ma il loro impatto emotivo deriva non tanto da una identificazione specifica con questi personaggi astratti, quanto dal fatto che diventano l'incarnazione di una leggenda avvincente, di risonanza profondamente mitica. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 6 dic 2020 alle 14:04. None of you shall return alive from Hungary. Relating this frightening dream to her husband, she urged him to stay with her, but he assured her that he was quite safe. On his way to Worms, he kills a dragon and finds a treasure, the Hort. Közben megküzd a sárkánnyal, amelynek vérében megfürödve, egy falevélnyi folt kivételével, sebezhetetlenné válik. Siegfried unstrapped his sword and leaned his spear against a tree, then bent over the brook to quench his thirst. "Unless you tell me the truth about Siegfried, I shall remain a virgin," she threatened. When the guilty Hagen approached the bier, blood flowed anew from Siegfried's wound. The invisible Siegfried stood next to Gunther and whispered instructions into his ear. Her vengeance for this wicked act brought death to many, including her closest kinsmen. To this end she decided to invite her brothers to visit her in Hungary. Immense architetture offrono uno sfondo ideale alla potente statura di questi eroi da epopea. Preparations were made for two royal weddings: Queen Brunhild of Iceland with King Gunther of Burgundy; and Princess Kriemhild of Burgundy with Prince Siegfried of Xanten. Only King Gunther's chaplain shall be spared.". Accompanied by 500 knights, Rüdiger made his way from Hungary to Vienna, then to his home at Pöchlarn, and from thence across Bavaria to the Rhine. But because Brunhild is … He directed their conversation to any apprehension that she might have about the dangers that Siegfried might face in time of war. This miracle also occurred with Hagen and Siegfried. Il suo obiettivo è Hagen: durante una festa trasformata in orgia, gli unni e i burgundi da allegri diventano violenti e arrivano ad usare le mani, facendo nascere un profondo odio l'uno per l'altro. That night, hidden under the cloak of invisibility, Siegfried entered the bed chamber of Gunther and Brunhild. Esegui il download di questa immagine stock: Kriemhild, in lutto oltre Siegfried, distribuendo i tesori del Nibelungen tesoro. Leaping up, she congratulated Gunther on the unexpectedly powerful return, then turned to the next event. Der Held eroberte anschließend vom Zwergenkönig Alberich (Skip Martin) den Nibelungenhort und stiehlt ihm seine kostbare Tarnkappe, mit der sich der Besitzer unsichtbar machen kann. With this immense treasure now at her disposal, Kriemhild began making generous gifts to many Burgundian knights, thus gaining their allegiance and favor. Enorme raccolta, scelta incredibile, oltre 100 milioni di immagini RF e RM di alta qualità e convenienti. She related this event to her mother, who interpreted the dream: "The falcon is a noble man, whom you will marry, but soon afterward he will be taken from you. In creating this summary I have used the following edition: This work was composed about 1200 in Middle High German verse by an anonymous poet, probably at Passau, Germany. Gunther announced his intention to woo fair Brunhild, but Siegfried, who knew well how powerful she was, advised against this undertaking. Return to D. L. Ashliman's folktexts, a library of folktales, folklore, fairy tales, and mythology. Questo grande architetto del cinema manovrò attori e comparse come elementi animati di una maestosa composizione decorativa; l'uomo venne completamente subordinato alla plasticità delle forme. Die Nibelungen: Siegfried (1924) *** 1/2 (out of 4) The first part of Fritz Lang's five hour epic has Siegfriend slay a dragon, bath in its blood and then head off to win the hand of Kriemhild. The dead knight's countrymen responded with a great outcry, and would have attacked the Burgundians forthwith had King Etzel not held them back. Inspiratie vör aander waerk. Loading ... Nibelungen - doku deutsch - Auf den Spuren Siegfrieds - Der Schatz der Nibelungen ganze Folge 1 - Duration: 41:55. As the day advanced, everyone became thirsty from heat and exertion. Only Hagen spoke out against the venture: "I killed Kriemhild's husband with my own hand," he confessed, "and she will be seeking revenge against us all.". Hagen denied all guilt, and King Gunther supported his plea. she demanded. […] Il film diventava disegno, anzi scultura e architettura animate», «Le esperienze architettoniche di Lang lo portano ad utilizzare strutture "estese", materialmente corpose, volumetrie possenti che, anche se riprese in campo lungo, occupano l'inquadratura con le loro superfici e quasi ne debordano. One of the nixies called to him, "Noble knight, give us back our clothes, and we will tell your fortune. Künstlerbund Karlsruhe, [ca.1915] Nibelungen-Lied / Serie N. 93, Blatt N. 5 : Siegfried gewinnt den Nibelungenhort Their father, King Dancrat, and their mother, Queen Uote, held court at Worms on the Rhine. ai lati del massiccio portale che custodisce il tesoro dei Nibelunghi, stanno ritti due personaggi di alta statura – Crimilde e Hagen; Hagen spia l'arrivo di Crimilde seduto immobile, come una statua, la spada appoggiata di traverso sulle ginocchia; Brunilde, ritta fra le rocce, scruta il corteo degli eroi come una sagoma obliqua sul cielo grigio; le figure gemelle di Sigfrido e Gunther compiono il rito della fraternità del sangue, affiancati simmetricamente dai due fratelli del re e dai due compagni d'arme di Sigfrido; i suonatori di corno spiccano contro il cielo e assumono lo stesso valore architettonico del ponte levatoio; le ancelle di Crimilde fanno cerchio intorno a lei davanti al sepolcro di Sigfrido: "le loro linee flessuose sposano le curve della volta a emiciclo perfetto come un'abside ornata da mosaici preziosi"; Brunilde si incammina su un pontile formato da scudi innalzati orizzontalmente da due schiere di guerrieri in piedi nell'acqua: i loro elmi non sono che l'orlo di questa passerella improvvisata; altri guerrieri appaiono sulla riva, le loro sagome formano una specie di cancellata. "Yes, it was I who killed Siegfried. The struggling chaplain turned back toward the shore, although he could not swim. The dying hero reached for his sword, but not finding it, he attacked Hagen with his shield, nearly killing him with blows. The Hunnish knights were received in Worms with great courtesy, their leader Rüdiger being well known to the three kings. Ovunque insidie, ovunque la distruzione, la fellonia; una ferocia senza nome esplode ad ogni passo, l'odore del sangue sale nell'aria aspra, armi si urtano in nuvole di polvere e colonne di fumo si avvolgono come grossi serpenti intorno ai rari sopravvissuti per soffocarli».[12]. Gunther, approached the boulder, put his hands on it, but it was the invisible Siegfried who lifted it into the air and threw it an even greater distance than the one achieved by Brunhild. Primo Canto: come Sigfrido uccise il drago, Secondo Canto: come Volker cantò la canzone di Sigfrido a Crimilde e come Sigfrido giunse a Worms, Terzo Canto: come Sigfrido sconfisse Brunilde per Gunther, Quarto Canto: come Brunilde si recò prigioniera a Worms e come venne celebrato il doppio matrimonio, Quinto Canto: come a metà anno giunse a Worms in regalo alla sposa di Sigfrido il tesoro dei Nibelunghi, e come le due regine litigarono, Sesto Canto: come Gunther ruppe il patto di fedeltà con Sigfrido, Settimo Canto: come Crimilde giurò vendetta contro Hagen di Tronje. With time Kriemhild did indeed marry a noble warrior, only to lose him through treachery. With great embarrassment he revealed the misadventure to his new brother-in-law Siegfried. Download books for free. "Why," she asked her future husband, "is your royal sister engaged to marry a mere vassal? Die Nibelungen neu erzählt | Köhlmeier Michael | download | Z-Library. Siegfried überwindet das Irdische (das Begierdenhafte) und tritt als Unsterblicher in die Sphäre der Ewigkeit ein. Siegfried then picked up the spear (although Gunther appeared to be the one doing this) and hurled it back at Brunhild. The night before the hunt Kriemhild dreamed that two boars had chased Siegfried over the heath, and that the wildflowers there had been dyed with blood. Riferimenti si riconoscono anche agli antichi carmi nordici dell'Edda. Anschließen erobert er vom ZwergenkönigAlberich den Nibelungenhort, stiehlt diesem eine Tarnkappe und reist mit König Gunther nach Island, um für diesen um Königin Brunhild zu werben. Soon afterward the three kings had a journey to make, and during their absence Hagen took the treasure and sank in the Rhine at Locheim. Giselher then added the taunt, "If you lack the courage to go with us, then you can stay here in safety.". Rüdiger, Margrave of Pöchlarn and a member of Etzel's court had known Kriemhild since childhood, and he volunteered to carry Etzel's marriage proposal to the widowed queen in Worms. After the ferryboat had been unloaded the last time, Hagen smashed it to pieces. Their journey lasted twelve days, and not once were they attacked by robbers. Questa volontà di stilizzare Lang riesce ad ottenerla girando tutte le scene in studio; in tal modo giunge ad eliminare qualsiasi contingenza e ad ottenere una qualità di austerità apparentemente un po' glaciale».[10]. In questo le due opere ricordano gli spettacoli storici giapponesi in più parti, con i loro terrorizzanti eroi samurai». E una lotta mortale senza scampo si scatena: «Cavalli, criniera al vento, galoppano a tutta velocità attraverso le vaste steppe; caverne spalancate rodono il suolo scoprendo alla luce la strabordante vita sotterranea, demoni si agitano ferocemente sul sentiero di guerra in una sarabanda cannibalesca. I Nibelunghi così come Destino e Metropolis, sono caratterizzati da una stilizzazione quasi inumana del reale. I Nibelunghi: Sigfrido, conosciuto anche come I Nibelunghi: la morte di Sigfrido (Die Nibelungen: Siegfried); I Nibelunghi: la vendetta di Crimilde (Die Nibelungen: Kriemhilds Rache). Primo canto: come Crimilde pianse Sigfrido, e come, per mezzo del margravio Rüdiger von Bechlarn, re Etzel chiese la sua mano, Secondo Canto: come Crimilde lasciò il suo paese d'origine e come fu ricevuta dal re Etzel, Terzo Canto: come il re Etzel assediò Roma e Crimilde invitò i suoi fratelli a palazzo, Quarto Canto: come Crimilde ricevette i fratelli, Quinto Canto: come gli Unni celebrarono insieme con i Nibelunghi il solstizio d'estate, Sesto Canto: la sofferenza dei Nibelunghi. "I predict," he warned, "that if Kriemhild marries King Etzel, she will use her newly gained power to do us great harm.". Alas, in this he was quite wrong. Alone in their bedroom, the two continued to quarrel. Das Lindenblatt ist eine beschönigende Beschreibung im Nibelungenlied und gleichzeitig die Stelle auf dem Rücken, die normalerweise nur schlecht bei der Körperpflege zu erreichen und zu reinigen ist. As preparations were being made for the fateful event, Siegfried secretly returned to the ship and put on the magic cloak. He is the great warrior who slew the Nibelungs, then took possession of their treasure, a hoard so immense that it filled a hundred freight wagons. Die Nibelungen: Siegfried subtitles. Siegfried, son of King Sigmund, hears of the beautiful sister of Gunter, King of Worms, Kriemhild. Nessun obbligo … La prima parte del film, distribuita a livello internazionale, ottenne un immediato, caloroso successo. "Prove it!" Complessa fu la realizzazione degli effetti speciali dovuti alla bravura degli operatori Gunther Rittau e Carl Hoffmann: La prima parte del film fu distribuita in versioni di varie durate: in Germania uscì una versione di 97 minuti, tra cui anche quella integrale restaurata di 143 minuti. Brunhild, once a proud and powerful queen, now dissolved into tears. Gli amanti sono condannati - lo sanno tutti). ", "Your husband is neither a real king nor a real man," replied Kriemhild. The great river had overflowed its banks, and no ferries could be found. L'"ornamentale" cede il posto a un "pittoresco cangiante". Siegfried und die Nibelungen - eine kleinere Heldentat Simon Lux. Link to two Icelandic versions of the same mythological material. Selezione delle preferenze relative ai cookie. She accepted the proposal and forthwith made preparations for the trip to Hungary. La costruzione delle scene diviene nella seconda parte meno statica, più colorita e dinamica, come richiede il racconto, e sfocia in un'interminabile, totale distruzione di uomini e cose».[13]». Taking the cord from her waist, she bound him hand and foot, then hung him from a nail on the wall, where he remained the entire night. Their horses swam across, and although the current carried them far downstream, not one of them was lost. Architettonicità, vuoto, astrazione...», «Il regista punta tutto sul rigore formale e sceglie - per la prima parte - uno stile figurativo improntato all'equilibrio, alla simmetria, all'armonia. [4], La seconda parte commercialmente fu meno fortunata: a Mosca il film fu lodato, mentre aspre critiche ne accolsero la proiezione a Londra. "I have never lacked courage," answered Hagen angrily. "I shall prove her wrong," he said to himself, and threw him overboard. Great glory will come to you in Etzel's land. (Lotte). At first Kriemhild was reluctant, she being a Christian and Etzel being a heathen, but she soon came to see a great benefit in this marriage for her as well. The Nibelung-Siegfried Route in the Odenwald forest follows the tale of a medieval poem based on the Huns and the Burgundians. "Siegfried rode off by himself," they would claim, "and was killed by robbers.". Compra Die Nibelungen. The Nibelungs loaded their gear onto their horses and continued onward toward Hungary. Both were captured by the Hungarians. (Non dimentichi che ogni tedesco conosce la saga dei Nibelunghi così come ogni bambino negli Stati Uniti conosce la fine di Custer. Hamburg : Schlinck, [ca.1915] ; [Karlsruhe] : Kunstdr. The Nibelungenlied: Online Medieval and Classical Library, overview (in German) at the University of Augsburg. Artista: Eduard Julius Friedrich Bendemann (Tedesco, 1811-1889 Berlino Düsseldorf). We must receive him with chivalry and honor, and seek his friendship.". Once again Siegfried agreed to come to the aid of his hapless relative. Each side lost many brave warriors, but the Nibelungs were greatly outnumbered, and in the end every one of them was killed. Die Nibelungen) je slavni njemački crno-bijeli nijemi pustolovni fantastični ep iz 1924. kojeg je režirao Fritz Lang. The scenarios for both films were co-written by Lang's then-wife Thea von Harbou, based upon the epic poem Nibelungenlied written around AD 1200. Siegfried came to the aid of his new allies and led the counter-attack against the Saxons, defeating them decisively. Disregarding their natural allegiance to their widowed sister, they succumbed to Hagen's urging and took the vast hoard from Kriemhild. He drew his own sword and killed Kriemhild. This deceitful claim, however was soon proven to be false. Nibelung-Siegfried Route — Saga And Song Of The Nibelungs Tragedy, murder, intrigue, and revenge all await you along the Nibelung-Siegfried Route, or Nibelungen-Siegfriedstrasse , which runs along around 310km from Worms to Wertheim on … However, Brunhild did not see in Siegfried a man of royalty. Film je snimljen u dva dijela; prvi, “Siegfried” je imao premijeru u kinima 14. veljače, a drugi “Kriemhilds Rache” 26. travnja 1924. The fair queen lifted it with ease, then threw it at Gunther, who stood some distance from her. SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei ", Satisfied with this prediction, Hagen returned the clothing to them. Gunther and Hagen were the last to die. Here ends the story of the Nibelungs' last stand. Hagen, sensing danger in these new alliances, urged the Burgundian kings to confiscate the treasure. Alcuni esempi: Come nota Lotte H. Eisner ne Lo schermo demoniaco, la staticità, la solennità, la monumentalità, la lentezza epica, l'idillio melanconico, che contraddistinguono la prima parte, La morte di Sigfrido, riemergono solo sporadicamente nella seconda, La vendetta di Crimilde, come "lontana eco di una grandezza perduta, ormai irraggiungibile". The royal Burgundian household often sponsored jousting tournaments, and Siegfried, time and again, proved his knightly abilities. Consultare recensioni obiettive e imparziali sui prodotti, fornite dagli utenti. Seeing no harm in this request, Kriemhild did indeed sew a tiny cross, too small for anyone to notice, at the critical spot on Siegfried's back. stammered Brunhild with anger. Durante il viaggio Sigfrido dovrà affrontare molte prove, prima di arrivare da lei: ucciderà il nano Alberico, guardiano del grande tesoro del popolo dei Nibelunghi, e anche un feroce drago. SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei. Kriemhild ordered that Gunther's head be cut off and then delivered to Hagen. View the profiles of people named Siegfried Nibelungen. She knew him only as Gunther's vassal, as he had been introduced to her in Iceland. AKA: Siegfried, The Nibelungen - Siegfried's Death, Die Nibelungen, The Nibelungs Part I: Siegfried, Siegfried's Death. Soon afterward the Nibelungs found a ferryman, but he was unwilling to take them across the swollen Danube. View the profiles of people named Siegfried Nibelung. Nibelungenlied, (German: “Song of the Nibelungs”) Middle High German epic poem written about 1200 by an unknown Austrian from the Danube region. "I shall kill him," he promised. Esegui il download di questa immagine stock: Richard Wagner 's 'Siegfried' - pagina manoscritta dalla partitura originale. On the twelfth day they arrived at the Danube. Where is the treasure of the Nibelungs? Nur die eine Stelle, der Ansatzpunkt der beiden "Flügel" (als Organe zur Wahrnehmung und Fortbewegung in der geistigen Welt) bleibt verwundbar - bewirkt durch das Lindenblatt - und so muss Siegfried Erdenmensch bleiben - vorerst. Gli Unni cedono il posto ai Burgundi: «... non camminano mai eretti, mai alzano il viso verso il cielo col fiero orgoglio degli eroi germanici: si arrampicano, come rettili viscidi oppure saltellano, il corpo spezzato in due in una sorta di strana posizione rannicchiata, le gambe storte a metà piegate». La seconda parte del film uscì poco dopo La morte di Sigfrido in due versioni: la prima della durata di 133 minuti (cinematografica) e la seconda di 148 minuti (integrale). Kriemhild, with her three brothers Gunther, Gernot, and Giselher, grew up in Burgundy. L'architettura e il senso plastico dominano il film. "He has enormous power and great holdings.". Sometime later Hagen approached Kriemhild. Fu restaurato dal Museo cinematografico di Monaco, diretto da Enno Patalas, sia per quanto riguarda la parte cinematografica sia per l'originale partitura musicale d'accompagnamento di Gottfried Huppertz, ritrovata casualmente in un baule del granaio della vedova del compositore.». Surrounded by Hagen's and Gunther's allies and relatives, she was powerless to achieve justice at this time, but she swore in her heart to avenge Siegfried's death, however long it might take. [9], Henry Angel: This angered Hagen, who struck off the ferryman's head, then confiscated his boat. "Because of the dragon's blood he is quite safe against any foe," replied the queen, with assurance. Consultare utili recensioni cliente e valutazioni per Die Nibelungen su amazon.it. In addition to gold and precious stones, the treasure also included the famous sword Balmung. So saying, she took from her own finger and from her own waist the trophies that Siegfried secretly had taken from Brunhild on her wedding night. At first the hunt proceeded in an accustomed manner, and a number of game animals were slain. Her revenge was complete, although it had come at a terrible price. Trova la foto stock perfetta di nibelungen. Not only did this cloak make its wearer invisible, but it gave him the strength of twelve additional men. Als das Schwert fertig ist, ist die Waffe so mächtig, dass Siegfried damit den Amboss spalten kann. Hagen pushed Siegfried's sword from his reach, picked up the spear, and hurled it at the cross embroidered on Siegfried's back. "Could you sew a little mark on his clothing at that spot, so that I can shield him in the event of danger?" Also featured in this tale is the vassal Hagen of Troneck, a valiant warrior. On his way to Worms, he kills a dragon and finds a treasure, the Hort. Following this grisly act, Kriemhild herself, now armed with the sword Balmung, struck off Hagen's head. Hagen did nothing wrong," he stated. Miraculously he safely made his way to the bank. A stout boat was built to carry the party downstream to the open sea, and Siegfried, who knew these waters well, was chosen as captain. It frequently happens even today that when a murderer approaches his victim's corpse, the dead man's wounds begin to bleed afresh. L'opera reca la dedica "Al popolo tedesco" ed è suddivisa in due parti, ciascuna ripartita in sette canti. Gunther insisted that there were no secrets to reveal. Brunhild, disquieted by suspicions about Siegfried's rank, refused to share Gunther's bed, unless he were to tell her all that he knew about Siegfried. Negli Stati Uniti la versione originale di 6792 metri fu ridotta, più volte modificata e sonorizzata con la musica di Wagner diretta da Hugo Reisenfeld. Thereupon Alberich swore loyalty to Siegfried, the new lord of the Nibelung treasure, and thus continued his post as keeper of the treasure. Brunhild received the wooing party with outward courtesy, accompanied by the severe warning that should Gunther fail to defeat her in the contest, everyone accompanying him would die. Dopo la morte dell'amato Sigfrido, Crimilde fugge dal suo paese in Oriente, dove si reca da Attila, re degli Unni, per sposarlo e lo prega di invitare i Burgundi alla sua corte per mettere in atto la sua vendetta. Join Facebook to connect with Siegfried Nibelung and others you may know. "It was an accident," he insisted. However, the Burgundian kings saw only benefits in a marriage between their sister and the Hunnish king, and they urged her to accept the proposal. E così, dopo che se ne sono andati dal giardino, lei guarda l'albero dalla finestra, e improvvisamente vede questi fiori dissolversi e comparire un teschio. The dwarf Alberich, keeper of the Nibelu… I will not let my life be ruined through the love of a man. ", "Perhaps you are right," responded the unsuspecting queen. replied Kriemhild. The dwarf Alberich, keeper of the Nibelung treasure, attempted to avenge his former masters by attacking Siegfried, but to no avail. Siegfried, son of King Sigmund, hears of the beautiful sister of Gunter, King of Worms, Kriemhild. It was the invisible Siegfried, and he wrestled her onto the bed and held her fast until she finally submitted to Gunther. «Lang pone con una forza eccezionale l'equazione fra i tre elementi, scenografia, luce e massa umana. Le migliori offerte per Siegfried's Tod XL Art Print 1919 di A. Paul Weber Nibelungen Sigurd Siegfried sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! Handlung: Während Siegfried triumphierend sein Schwert fertig schmiedet, braut Mime den giftigen Trank, der ihm den Ring und damit die Weltherrschaft sichern wird. La seconda parte è percorsa invece da un notevole dinamismo, che sfocia addirittura nel caos della battaglia, ma anche qui la cura formale garantisce un'austerità e una stilizzazione che ben poco hanno a che vedere con la musica di Wagner», «In Germania usavamo molto i simboli. Dancrat, no longer young, had passed the kingship to his three sons. Come ultima prova, il re Gunther gli chiede la sua collaborazione per sconfiggere Brunilde, regina dell'Islanda, affinché possa chiederle la mano. Kriemhild now knew without doubt who had killed her husband. Edgar G. Ulmer (set designer - non accreditato) "Nonetheless," said the crafty Hagen, "I feel ill at ease for his sake. The spear struck his shield, piercing it with a shower of sparks. Il film fu girato negli studi dell'UFA di Tempelhof, Neubabelsberg e Staaken, i più grandi allora in Europa, e negli spazi intorno ad essi. He helps Gunther to win Krimhild, a mask that makes him invisible proves to be very useful. Die Nibelungen: Siegfried A Nibelungok I.: Siegfried. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. While he was bathing himself in the dragon's blood a leaf fell from a tree onto his back, directly between his shoulder blades, keeping the blood from that one spot. Hanna Ralph, Paul Richter, and Margarete Schön in Die Nibelungen: Siegfried (1924) "Your husband calls himself a king," taunted Brunhild, "but he is nothing more than a vassal to my husband, a real king. Later Siegfried gave these trophies to Kriemhild, but he came to rue the day that he did so. L'UFA, che si era accaparrata Lang insieme a Pommer e alla DECLA, non fu avara di capitali per questa epopea nazionale. Gunther could not be dissuaded, so Siegfried, out of loyalty to his future brother-in-law (as he hoped) agreed to assist him in this dangerous venture. No sooner had they put on their marvelous garments than one of the fairies taunted, "My cousin lied to you. La terza delle quattro opere che comprendono 'Der Ring des Nibelungen' ('l'anello ciclo'), da Richard Wagner. Story wise there really isn't anything overly excellent about the film but the real key naturally is all the special effects and set design. The Nibelungs (as the Burgundians were now called) rode through Swabia, and no one robbed them. Crimilde riesce ad uccidere Hagen usando la spada di Sigfrido, ma successivamente verrà a sua volta uccisa da Ildebrando per aver provocato la rovina per gli Unni. It is rightfully mine. "I do not know his purpose here, but we must treat him with respect. I nibelunghi (Die Nibelungen) è una serie cinematografica composta da due film epici-fantastici muti diretti dal regista austriaco Fritz Lang nel 1924: .